Getting stabbed was not fun, something that Mauve could confirm with even more fervor now. Though she did move a bit so the stab landed on her collarbone more than her throat-getting stabbed in the throat was even less fun-it didn't do much else than displace the attack and the next, letting her get slapped more in the jaw. Still not fun. She was lucky the edge was turned away though, for that didn't just lessen the damage to her aura, but made it easier for her to clasp the blade in-between her wrist and lower palm, then violently throw it back at Saffron's upper torso, hoping her surprise and admittedly lesser strength than her opponent could make it stick.
Fully recovered, Mauve pressed on once more. She stepped in close to her opponent and sort of threw herself onto the shield, grasping the edges and leaning her weight on the thing so each foot could deliver a stomp to Saffron's upper body. Quickly because however strong the uppperclassman might've been, having the weight of a whole person plus a shield isn't the easiest thing to carry on one arm. As per the hit-and-run she favored, Mauve dropped to the floor, lightly kicking Saffron's shins as she did so, and did a backwards somersault, ending in a low stance slightly reminiscent of a runner's starting one.
[Spoiler]Aura 31%
Thrown back hilt to the stomach: 2%
Stomp: first 3% second 4%
Light shin kick: 1%