Author Topic: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron  (Read 16207 times)

The Mythic Scribe

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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #30 on: August 02, 2017, 07:50:46 AM »
Getting stabbed was not fun, something that Mauve could confirm with even more fervor now. Though she did move a bit so the stab landed on her collarbone more than her throat-getting stabbed in the throat was even less fun-it didn't do much else than displace the attack and the next, letting her get slapped more in the jaw. Still not fun. She was lucky the edge was turned away though, for that didn't just lessen the damage to her aura, but made it easier for her to clasp the blade in-between her wrist and lower palm, then violently throw it back at Saffron's upper torso, hoping her surprise and admittedly lesser strength than her opponent could make it stick.

Fully recovered, Mauve pressed on once more. She stepped in close to her opponent and sort of threw herself onto the shield, grasping the edges and  leaning her weight on the thing so each foot could deliver a stomp to Saffron's upper body. Quickly because however strong the uppperclassman might've been, having the weight of a whole person plus a shield isn't the easiest thing to carry on one arm. As per the hit-and-run she favored, Mauve dropped to the floor, lightly kicking Saffron's shins as she did so, and did a backwards somersault, ending in a low stance slightly reminiscent of a runner's starting one.

[Spoiler]Aura 31%
Thrown back hilt to the stomach: 2%
Stomp: first 3% second 4%
Light shin kick: 1%
Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

Aurora Hesperid(1st year leader of team ATLA)


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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2017, 07:31:01 PM »
Taking a few steps back to absorb Mauve's first unexpected, and unconventional, counter attack Saffron put her shield up and advanced again. This appeared unnecessary as Mauve continued her assault leaping on Saffron's shield. Originally deciding to saving the dust functions of her new weapons for the end of the fight the Atlas Student decided this opportunity was too good to pass up. Swapping the curvature of her shield Saffron otherwise braced her shield arm on her body and almost knelt to support her opponent's stomp. This left Saffron an easy target but it also let her find out Mauve's timing. Just as she felt her opponent press down harder to jump off Saffron activating a pulse of electrical dust through the shield and hopefully through Mauve's hands.

The pulse of electricity was hardly pleasant for the faunus, her highly sensitive nose was overwhelmed by the current as it arced off the shield causing Saffron the scrunch her face up as if she had just taken a huge wiff of something, not necessarily unpleasant as even overpowering pleasant smells are still well overwhelming. This didn't pause Saffron's assault however as she was expecting, not that it was something she would ever get used to, and let loose a quick volley of attacks to take advantage of Mauve's hopefully stunned condition.

Quick stabs and shield bashes was all Saffron was willing to risk her given how unsteady her legs are given Mauve's punishment. Regardless of the success of the electrical blast and her volley of attacks Saffron would keep up the assault. With her nose joining her legs in the heavily damaged department Saffron needed to finish the fight as quickly as possible. Although Saffron didn't immediately notice it her nose quickly blocked up to protect itself from any further abuse but also cutting off some of her elecro-sensors. As well, a small trickle of blood started to flow out of Saffron's nose.

Saffron's Battle Data
2x3% Shield bashes
2x4% Quick slashes

Aura: 31%(Took both stomps)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 07:33:26 PM by Kingnoname1 »
No criticism is too harsh so hit me with your best shot.

Calen Shrike - ASTC - First Year Beacon.

Saffron de Cortez - SALT - Third Year Atlas.

Amarant Lovis - (formerly of)ACCE - Headmaster of Atlas Academy

Ramalia - RASB - First Year Shade

The Mythic Scribe

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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #32 on: August 05, 2017, 04:59:46 AM »
Mauve would do well to remember that Beacon students were oh so fond of making their weapons nice and fancy. Electrical shields? Just another Monday. The clever little move opened her up for Saffron to go to town on, Mauve taking both of the shield bashes and all of the slashes, though the latter she partially deflected. With her own arms, yes, but it did ease some of the damage. This fight was going to draw to a close soon and to be honest it'd been fun, so Mauve really didn't care whether or not she won. Well, not as much as she would usually at least.

Right off the bat Mauve noticed two prime targets, the first being Saffron's nose and the second being her legs. Her concentrated attacks on the latter seemed to have been successful, though she wasn't quite sure why the other student's nose had started bleeded. She didn't exactly remember directing any of her attacks at her face. Deciding the why was currently irrelevant and she shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, Mauve resumed her attack. She kicked twice at Saffron's shins, light, really only meant to test exactly how vulnerable they were. In the meanwhile, her arms were up in front guarding her face and she stayed light on her toes, retreating slightly afterwards in the manner of a boxer.

Once she was confident in her ability to deliver Mauve neared the student again, though instead of kicking she actually just punched Saffron in the face. That was followed by a hard kick to the upperclassman's lower shin/ankle area. Granted, this left her fairly open with one of her hands and legs occupied momentarily, but chances had to be taken.

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Aura 19% (slashes were kinda deflected but with her forearm)
Light shin kicks: 2-3% x 2
Punch in the face: 4%
Hard kick: 5%

Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

Aurora Hesperid(1st year leader of team ATLA)


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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2017, 06:42:33 AM »
The heavy weight in her head and blocked nose quickly became apparent to Saffron as Mauve started to recover from her stun. Wiping her nose with the back of hand Saffron's eyes widened as it came away red. Trying to hide her shock by positioning her guard higher Saffron left herself open for her opponent's light kicks. She remained standing but found her legs leadened by the assault, unresponsive, causing her to swipe at thin air with her sword as Mauve darted back. Breathing hard Saffron tried to get her legs to move but it was like they were glued to the floor. So focused on trying to get her lower body functioning again that Saffron almost didn't notice Mauve dart back in, only able to defend against punch as she caught it on her now un-electrified shield.

Gritting her teeth Saffron almost thanked the numbness in her legs as it shielded her from the undoubtedly sharp blast from such a savage kick. Simultaneously igniting the fire dust in both her shield and sword Saffron hoped to burn Mauve's fist against the shield as well as adding some extra bite as her sword smashed down into Mauve's outstretched leg and again into her stomach. Literally unable to disengage Saffron took the route available to her and simply kept swinging, like her training had drilled in, regardless of the agony her body was in.

Saffron's Battle Data
Fiery shield 2%
Fiery smash 6%
Fiery stab. 6%

Aura: 20%(Took all the kicks)
No criticism is too harsh so hit me with your best shot.

Calen Shrike - ASTC - First Year Beacon.

Saffron de Cortez - SALT - Third Year Atlas.

Amarant Lovis - (formerly of)ACCE - Headmaster of Atlas Academy

Ramalia - RASB - First Year Shade

The Mythic Scribe

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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2017, 12:06:15 AM »
Mauve let out a sharp sound of surprise as her fist didn't connect with a face as expected, but with cold, hard metal. On fire. Thank god for Aura, but still. That hurt. She still saw Saffron draw her blade though, and was quick enough to move and transfer the damage onto her forearm instead of her leg, possibly increasing it through the pushing motion. She was ready for the stab when it came, raising her legs to repeatedly kick the blade back towards Saffron instead of her and hoping that it made contact with the other student.

She'd retreated and was about to start attacking again when Mauve came to a realization about how low her Aura was and decided she'd rather be safe than sorry. They were fighting with fire and blades and explosive arrows, which would be very harmful and potentially lethal to someone with no Aura. "I yield," she said to Saffron, relaxing her pose into a normal stance instead of an 'I'm about to cause you harm' one. "My Aura's pretty low right now and I don't want to risk you or myself crossing the line of Aura loss without the other noticing or while the other can't react fast enough." She smiled. "It was an enjoyable fight, my thanks to you for that. Nice to know I can hold my own against an upperclassman, even if there's only a year's difference between us." In a show of good sport, because Mauve was nothing if not that, she held out her hand for Saffron to shake.

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Aura 12%
If the blade is kicked back enough to do damage then you go ahead and decide percentages yourself. Good fight!
Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

Aurora Hesperid(1st year leader of team ATLA)


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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2017, 02:35:46 AM »
'You did more than hold your own, a few more hits and I would have been the one yielding.' Saffron replied grinning as she deactivated the flames around her weapons, sheathing the sword and taking Mauve's hand. 'I don't think we ever exchanged names, mines Saffron and yes it was a very enjoyable fight, what's not going to be enjoyable is the instructors going over my swordplay.' Managing to get some movement in her legs Saffron collected her loaned weapons.

Limping off to the benches Saffron turned back to her opponent and continued. 'If you have somewhere else to be I understand but the Atlas delegation brought some masseurs to help with recovery because we have exams not long after we get back. If I want to be able to walk tomorrow I'm going to have to visit them soon and I have no real interest in watching the fights still going. I'm sure they would let me bring a plus one so would you like to join me?'

I'm glad you had fun, we should do it again some time.
No criticism is too harsh so hit me with your best shot.

Calen Shrike - ASTC - First Year Beacon.

Saffron de Cortez - SALT - Third Year Atlas.

Amarant Lovis - (formerly of)ACCE - Headmaster of Atlas Academy

Ramalia - RASB - First Year Shade

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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2017, 12:08:53 AM »
Mauve smiled at the older girl. "I very much appreciate the honor and would be honored to join you. Thanks." She walked a few paces to pick up the weapon she'd discarded before continuing to speak to Saffron. "To be honest I'm not much for watching duels or sparring either. Even Vytal ones, I find them a bit dull. Not much for the idea of watching fights for sport, though I have nothing against doing so for educational reasons. Similarly with participating for those same reasons."

As she exited the arena with Saffron, Mauve remembered something the student had said during the offer. "Atlas you say? You'll have to catch me up, it's been a while since I've been there."
Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

Aurora Hesperid(1st year leader of team ATLA)


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Re: Switcheroo: Mauve/Saffron
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2017, 01:09:08 AM »
Pausing for a few seconds after Mauve finished her response in case she was going to add in her name, even Saffron's smile faltered a bit before returning to it's ordinary lustre. Maybe it's a cultural thing. Saffron thought as she mentally shrugged and returned to the conversation at hand. 'Fighting for sport has always been looked a bit down on in Atlas, seen as nonprofessional which is kinda ironic considering how much a deal is made out of these extra-kingdom sparring matches. Actually that's not 100% true there are duelling circuits but they are as disconnect to actually fighting as any other contact sport. Personally I'm ambivalent,  I've had to watch so many to learn new styles I can't really enjoy the spectacle of it.' Saffron answered as she placed the borrowed weapons on a bench before they walked out.

Saffron was cautious about answering general questions about her second home, aware of it's negative reputation she scratched her scalp nervously while responding. 'Well that depends on when you where last there, likely it hasn't changed much. The academy got a new wing recently but nothing big. But the city as a whole just keeps better bigger. Why were you there last? If you don't mind me asking.' Saffron hastened to add.

Making their way out of the hall and towards where the Atlas contingent had set up Saffron's stride had rounded out by the time some of the instructors looked her over. A wordless exchange got both girls through and Saffron started peeling off the heavy metal plates of her armour. 'What about Vale? Should I see anything while I'm here?' Saffron asked as she turned back around.
No criticism is too harsh so hit me with your best shot.

Calen Shrike - ASTC - First Year Beacon.

Saffron de Cortez - SALT - Third Year Atlas.

Amarant Lovis - (formerly of)ACCE - Headmaster of Atlas Academy

Ramalia - RASB - First Year Shade