Hey guys, long time no looking at the text that you have all written.
I've tried to come back twice before now and failed both times, but hey third times the charm right. First off I truly want to apologize for the way I just left things without any proper warning. I'm generally a very private person but considering how I kinda abandoned this I do want to give some detail about what happened. The short version is that insomnia and depression got really out of control, I've been taking 3 different types of sleeping pills trying to find the best solution (all of which drastically reduced my "functional hours" of the day) not to mention antidepressants. So yeah loads of fun pharmacological stuff. Anyhoo finally off them all and starting to feel a bit like myself again so time to dust off the spreadsheet again (Heck guess i never gave you all any results from the survey).
Can't promise I'll ever be as active as I once was but hopefully no more dropping off the face of the earth.