RPG Creations > Plot Discussion

Shadow of the Titan


⊱Shadow of the Titan⊰»Cast«
Saffrom de Cortez by Kingnoname1
Aurum LeBlanc by Xarias
Avery LeBlanc by Kaliot
Topaz Stone by mylies43

Airi Fogden Bicardi by Kaliot
Lyra Savoy by FunkyMonkey
Sovereign LeBlanc by NotSurprised
Maria Proditor AKA Captain Cordell by Riven

Amarant Lovis, Headmaster of Atlas
Dorian Rothenberg, Third-Year Atlas Student and Engineering Prodigy

A Pinch of SALTTeam SALT (Saffron, Aurum, Avery, Topaz), Dorian RothenbergTeam SALT--Saffron, Aurum, Avery, and Topaz--get caught in one of Aurum's schemes. Aurum, using his semblance, manages to sneak out to Alystra Plaza ahead of the rest of the team who immediately pursue him in an effort to stop his exploding-fish prank or just to watch. The prank ends with the fish detonating on only four individuals: Aurum, Topaz, Saffron, and passerby, an infamous Dorian Rothenberg. Dorian briefly cuts them with his sharp tongue before hurriedly leaving the scene. Saffron leaves to confront the headmaster, Amarant Lovis, before he is able to hear about the incident through third-parties. Topaz, Avery, and Aurum follow shortly after.
>Across the SALTy Sea: Thread ATeam SALT (Saffron, Aurum, Avery, Topaz), Dorian Rothenberg, Amarant Lovis[Ongoing]
>Across the SALTy Sea: Thread BCaptain Cordell[Ongoing]
An Afternoon DowntownAiri, Lyra, SovereignTaking a break from studying and training, Lyra and Airi go out into the city and manage to snag a spot at popular pastry shop Val Mera Pastries. Shortly after obtaining their food, student-turned-vigilante Sovereign causes a commotion nearby as he captures a gangster by encasing him in a block of ice. Having acquired wounds previously, Sovereign stops to rest on the curbs outside of Val Mera Pastries.


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