RPG World of Remnant > Amity Colosseum

Switcheroo: Camilia/Sandy

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Dr. Gustave:
(Camilia has Cosette's weapons and Sandy has Tieren's weapons. now do the thing.)

Sandy stood admiring his weapon while he waited for his opponent to signal to him that they were ready to start. Lifting it into the air to admire in the light before transforming it frequently and swinging his arm to get a feel for the weight meanwhile his head raced to think of the way he could use it.

Camelia glared at any figure of authority she could get her eyes on. For the nth time, somebody had misspelled (and probably mispronounced) her name. When the hell would they understand that it's simply Camelia, not Camellia, Camilia or Camelea??

Sadly for her, she'd been unable to get the thought through to anybody that mattered, so she let it slide. She liked her name, she really did! But why was she the only one that knew it?

Apart from those worries, not wearing her usual armor when going into combat felt... a bit like being naked. She had to actually concentrate to refrain from hiding behind the bag she had been handed before entering the arena. Taking the shotgun into her left hand and a smoke in her right, she waved the stranger she'd been set up against. "Yo, dude! You ready?"

Once his opponent gave him and indication that they were ready Sandy smiled to himself "Yep." As the words were leaving his mouth he was pointing his weapon at her and pulling the trigger. He fully intended to empty the clip at her and then not bother with the gun anymore but if he was lucky he might land a couple of hits.

[All ten shots fired unless he is interrupted. 3% damage from each shot.]

As soon as her opponent aimed his weapon, Camelia dashed and rolled to the side, but not before having thrown a smoke right at the guy's feet. Despite her evasive maneuvers, she still got caught by a few shots, 4 to be precise.

Not wasting any time, she got back up and aimed the shotgun, ready to fire off a few standard rounds at the target.

(Aura: 88%)


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