Author Topic: Cerise Carnelian  (Read 5956 times)

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Cerise Carnelian
« on: December 17, 2016, 08:36:56 AM »
Name: Cerise Carnelian

Age: 18, Born Hitahita 24th

Species and Gender: Female Cougar/Mountain Lion Faunus

Theme: The Lost One’s Weeping

Symbol: A carnelian stone-like circle imprinted with a black and white design of drama masks.

Occupation: First Year Beacon Student

Appearance: Many people have summed up Cerise’s appearance in a variation of one of these following phrases: ‘hard to describe,’ ‘in-between,’ or ‘almost pretty.’ Sometimes a combination of the three. She has average-sized lips, eyes, a face that isn’t dramatically angular nor cherub-like round, and hair that isn’t straight nor wavy nor curly, but somewhere in-between, even though that should be wavy. The length isn’t long or short either, just a few inches below her shoulder. Her cheekbones are averagely high, her lashes are short, her figure, though not completely straight up and down, isn’t particularly curvy or anything, and neither are her stats. 5’6”, 134 lbs, expected muscle for a student at a combat academy... The expressions she uses don’t help either, as they’re usually very subtle or seemingly devoid of emotion. Her eyes are probably the only things that really stand out about her, as they’re a striking cobalt blue, a decent contrast against her dark skin and pitch black hair. Your eye also might be drawn to the long black claws she has, if not for the fact that those were almost always hidden, retracted.

Her usual attire consists of mainly untucked button-ups and long or oversized shirts combined with leggings or skinny jeans, occasionally a formal blouse or light sweater somewhere in there. Cardigans and drape jackets aren’t a rare sight either. For footwear, she usually wears converse, slip-ons or just simple flats.

Combat outfit: A berry red combat skirt with an above elbow, split-sleeved bodice. This bodice is boat necked with a fit like a loose blouse. Holding it tight and together is something like an underbust corset, but with no shape, simply a thick band around her waist and a portion of her ribs, white with a red ribbon in the middle, tied in a bow at the back. The skirt portion flares from just above the hips and is about tea-length, a bit longer than most combat skirts. For a little protection, this outfit is paired with golden vambraces and greaves, running shoes being her choice footwear. The fabric portions are infused with dust patterns, giving a sparkling effect in those patterns. The inside of the bodice is infused with ice dust, in the style of the Vacuans.
History: When Cerise was born, she was not born alone, but with a twin by the name of Scarlett. The two Carnelian twins were raised by two Atlesian scientists by the names of Amber and Cordovan. The twins lived in Atlas for the first six years of their life, which were pretty happy. Then again, it was pretty easy to be happy when you were so young. Even if your parents were the type that wanted you to talk early, walk early, read early... Also the type who tended to show off a lot. But then again, most parents could fit into the latter of those criteria. Anyway, there was steady money coming in from both sides, no financial troubles or anything. Sure, there were a few more instances with babysitters than normal, but it wasn’t anything too too serious. Their job was stressful to say the least. Not only was it the job itself, but how seriously Atlas treated their scientists. That, and how they treated their jobs themselves. They put a lot of pressure on themselves to do well, they were immersed in it. They loved their jobs. They loved their kids. Life was nice.

Alas, this was not meant to last forever, as the family eventually had to relocate to Vale. The reason? A windy day and Cordovan's hat, which was apparently very susceptible to being blown off by gusts of wind. That's right. Cordovan was a Faunus, a Faunus that was hiding that fact, because as you probably know already, Atlas didn't take to his kind very well. There was no place for one there, not really. Atlas didn't want a Faunus in a position high as Cordovan was. They knew that if they stayed, their lives would be a lot harder. They'd have to face off against discrimination, and possibly lose their jobs in the process. It wouldn't take long for someone to think that maybe the wife of that cougar Faunus was one as well, and after someone had that bright idea, Amber's identity as a wolf Faunus would take no time in being revealed. So the pair left, their children in tow. They didn't like Vacuo so much, too hot, too... absolutely opposite of Atlas... Which they still preferred above all else, even with so much anti-Faunus stuff around there. Mistral was too isolated from other kingdoms and settlements. So Vale it was. They got jobs as scientists there as well, though not as high-up as they were in Atlas. Not as well paying either, but it was still far from not being enough. And not long after, everything was the same again. Or as close to the same that you could get when you were in a different kingdom. But it was normal. Just... normal.

The trouble started once the twins entered sixth grade though. Scarlett was shooting ahead, she breezed through classes and homework easily. Always the favorite of the teacher, always the one who had her hand up in class, also always the one that people flocked to. Ease in studies and social situations, now wasn't that unfair? Especially for Cerise, who always had trouble with them. She could never really wrap her head around everything, as easy as it was for most others. As easy as everyone else thought it'd be for her, since her parents were scientists, right? So she must be amazing at her studies too! She must be amazing at math, at science, at memorization, all of those things. She wasn't. She struggled. Her memory was horrible. And then around other students, she was always too detached. People said that they'd tried to befriend her, yeah, but it just seemed that she preferred the company of a book rather than the company of other people. This, was not true. Cerise might've acted very aloof and antisocial, but she craved attention and interaction, not in a way where she always needed attention, but where she was easily lonely, needed people around her most of the time. Because of her actions and attitude towards others, this was something that she did not get very often. It didn’t take long for her parents to become worried and pushy. Grades were sinking, always seemed so guarded and detached, so different from their darling Scarlett. They became concerned. After a while, she was diagnosed with mild developmental dyscalculia, something that had heavily impeded her ability to learn, though Cerise stayed in normal classes, simply with tutors. And lax grade expectations when it came to math and the subjects that utilized it. Scarlet didn’t need it though. It was always 'Scarlet scored a perfect grade in math again' and 'Scarlet has so many friends, she's so popular and nice' and just everything was about her sister, even if her parents didn’t mean it. They were always very supportive and helpful, but they liked to brag about their children. Mostly Scarlet. The closeness that the two twins had once shared seemed to have disappeared, they went their separate ways, they weren't the power twins anymore, the best friends, they were just normal siblings, ones who fought, ones who didn't really understand the other at times. Of course there was always one that outperformed the other. Tired of it, Cerise made a promise to herself to be better. Not better than Scarlett. Better than herself. She wouldn't be the under-performing one when Scarlett had near-perfect grades. She wouldn't be the one who could play piano when her twin sister knew piano, viola, clarinet, and could sing! So Cerise pretended that it was all so easy, that it was simply a breeze, that it was fun, when in reality she spent hours on end studying over and over again, hours memorizing advanced vocabulary to snub other students. She even wore non-prescription glasses to look smarter.

This made Cerise look smarter, yes, at least to her peers, but to herself, it didn’t do much. She still hated math, she still hated absolutely all aspects of science. She could paint a little, but that wouldn’t do much. If someone had asked her what she would do with her life, Cerise would be at a loss. She didn’t have anything that she could contribute to society, nothing that she shone in, nothing that she could make into a stable career. Well, teaching. But she didn’t think that her parents would be satisfied, and her lack of social skills would make classes into one very big hot mess. To be honest, she wouldn’t be satisfied either. It wasn’t just her parents, her peers, that expected something out of her, it was herself. What could she do to make a difference? The answer came to her easily. Become a huntress. There was no lack of stories about them, they were people who truly made a mark, did something. Cerise was convinced that being a huntress was the path for her, and after much pleading, her parents reluctantly agreed to let her try it. So she tried it. She liked it. She enrolled in a local combat school. And then? She got into Beacon.

Personality: Cerise could be described as austere and impassive, and has been described that way by others more than a few times. The fact that she’s a very prideful person absolutely does not help this image, as it causes her to scarcely ask for help or admit that she has trouble with some things. Furthering the isolation from her peers, Cerise has a tendency to be quite hot-tempered, being ticked off easily and exploding at the smallest things, having little restraint or patience. Actually, aside from the cold and icy part, Cerise is a very intense person. Hot-tempered with little patience or restraint, and let’s not even talk about her envy and insecurity, or even the lengths she went to to not ask for help in impressing her parents. Even her austere nature is intense, to the point where most of her interactions with other people only consist of blunt, clipped speech, or outright sneering. Then again, part of this reason might be that Cerise is aware of and  makes sure to enhance some of these qualities, mostly the ‘holier than thou’ act, even making sure to used very enhanced vocab, to impress.

Like most harsh people, she is a different person inside. She’s very insecure and easily envious, as stated in the above paragraph. She’s never had a significant other, but rest assured that she’ll only be mildly obsessive. She’s also somewhat of an introvert with high social need, which means that she much prefers the company of herself but gets lonely very very easily. This loneliness will also be quite crippling emotionally, so therefore social interaction is even more important for Cerise. Unfortunately the ‘introvert’ part means that she will usually not be the instigator of a conversation or interaction with another person. She’s also fairly socially awkward, though over the years it’s changed from awkward to cold. Cold will change to freezing in two shakes of a lamb’s tail if you imply anything related to the word ‘useless.’

Also like most harsh people, or people in general, she’s not all bad. Really, far from it. She’s strangely altruistic, generous, charitable...etc. From little things such as lending anything and everything, to bigger things like being willing to take damage so she can shield others in a combat scenario, regardless of the real importance of said scenario. It’ll be almost instinct to protect others. Part of this may come from her extremely protective nature, not just of herself, but of friends as well, few as they are. Nurturing would be a huge overstatement, but she does feel the need to protect even acquaintances. She also somehow ends up the listener a lot. Well she certainly wouldn’t be the venter. Those things she reserves for painting. She’s gotten good at it over the years though, as her sister is definitely one to vent, and often too. Even if they drifted apart, Cerise never hesitated to help. Just as she never hesitates to help in other situations as well. Provided they come to her of course.

Intelligence and smarts-wise, she performs very well in school, though not ‘straight A+’ student, still ‘straight A and B student,’ usually excluding subjects that could be affected by her disorder, though she still makes sure to earn the best grades she can, and usually doesn’t do too too badly, as it’s only mild dyscalculia. This, though, usually comes at the cost of countless hours and hours and sleepless nights and caffeine, to study. Really, she struggles a lot in those subjects, enough to garner the type of effort stated above, plus a tutor. So, yeah, that would be a lot. Concepts she can grasp well, but the equations just escape her. Memory isn’t the best either… In other subjects, she does fine, though still goes the extra mile to get that extra point or two. When she wants to relax and get away from everything, in her limited spare time, Cerise does like to paint a little, and has a love of books, mostly fantasy.
Aura and Semblance: Cerise's aura is a cerise red hue. Her aura strength and quantity is above average, though its abilities are very few and effectiveness is spotty at best, usually not being able to do much more than protect her and heal minor wounds.

Cerise's semblance is Return for lack of a better name. It allows her to return to the place she was at a specific amount of time prior to the present. For instance she could use it to evade attacks in a combat scenario by adjusting her semblance to go back a few seconds. The furthest back she could go would probably be about four minutes, which by then she would immediately pass out. At three minutes and over she's very tired, not able to fight, at two and over she's sluggish with a slight headache and at one and over she's a little tired. After using her semblance once, Cerise has to wait a minimum of 7 seconds before using it again, though it should be noted that if she uses it from 7-12 seconds after the previous use, a headache will start to form regardless of how far back she goes. In one day, the sum of the time she goes back can't pass an hour. If she meets that limit, she will be unable to access her semblance any longer. Her semblance doesn't do anything other than returning her to that place, no turning back the clock on wounds or supplies or ammunition, nothing like that. As for effects, basically none. She simple just poofs back there, no smoke or fog.

Currently her semblance is spotty. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Combat Behavior: Cerise has a very aggressive style of fighting, using strength to power her attacks. However she isn’t a hulking behemoth like some others, so she does retain a good amount of speed. Unlike speedsters though, she uses speed hand in hand with strength to try overwhelming her opponent as quickly as possible. Also unlike speedsters, her speed is far from being enough that she could completely rely on it. Cerise’s capable fighting does have a drawback of being tiring, more so than other styles. Though she has trained to increase her endurance over the years, this doesn’t negate the fact that her combat method is quite taxing. Because of her high aura strength Cerise will also be willing to take hits for whoever else she is fighting for if it’s not a solo operation. She’s not going to playing for the long game most of the time anyway. To compliment her semblance, when she gets it to work of course, Cerise moves around a lot in combat just in case she needs to use her semblance to get out of a sticky situation. Not acrobatic, but very mobile. To add a little spice to the game, Cerise frequently uses dust in battles, not just for her weapon but in its powdered or crystal form to shake things up. The number of people she's fighting with generally doesn't affect Cerise too much in combat, though perhaps the more people, the more shielding, and the more she gets tired or her aura gets depleted. As for multiple opponents, it's possible since she could use her semblance to get out of tight spaces every so often, but two is probably the most she could handle.

Name: None
Primary Form: A glaive, the pole is some kind of metal, very subtly collapsible in the way that a telescope is. The blade is shaped like the blade of a falchion, with designs subtly reminiscent of floral imagery.

Secondary Form: Pole collapses into a hilt, transforming the weapon into a falchion.
Dust Functions: The blade can be (and usually is) infused with different types of dust to create different effects and such, through the designs mentioned above. (Note: the blade can only hold one type at a time, so the dust will have to be switched out manually)

Fire: Lights the blade on fire
Electricity: Sends arcs of electricity up the blade; electrocutes it
Ice: Gradually freezes if put in continuous contact with
Kinetic/Gravity: Knocks back whatever comes into contact with the blade

Name: None
Primary Form: A falchion, identical to the first weapon's secondary form.
Dust Functions: The same as her first weapon

Cerise carries around numerous vials of dust in its powdered form that are kept along a ‘belt’ of sorts that hangs more on the skirt than the waist or hips.Crystals are kept in a drawstring pouch on the same belt.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 10:51:52 PM by The Mythic Scribe »
Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

Aurora Hesperid(1st year leader of team ATLA)


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Re: Cerise Carnelian
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2016, 09:52:03 PM »
Name: Checks out. Nice that it applies to the color rule.

Age: 18, Born Hitahita 24th A year older for first years but no problem here.

Species and Gender: Female Cougar/Mountain Lion/Puma/Panther Faunus So her parents were half cougar/mountain lion and half puma/panther? Well, first of all, cougars are mountain lions so maybe you'll want to take one or the other out.

Theme: The Lost One’s Weeping What is this?:O

Symbol: A carnelian stone-like circle imprinted with a black and white design of drama masks. Not required, but images are appreciated.

Occupation: First Year Beacon Student

Appearance: Many people have summed up Cerise’s appearance in a variation of one of these following phrases: ‘hard to describe,’ ‘in-between,’ or ‘almost pretty.’ Sometimes a combination of the three. She has average-sized lips, eyes, a face that isn’t dramatically angular nor cherub-like round, and hair that isn’t straight nor wavy nor curly, but somewhere in-between, even though that should be wavy. The length isn’t long or short either, just a few inches below her shoulder. Her cheekbones are averagely high, her lashes are short, her figure, though not completely straight up and down, isn’t particularly curvy or anything, and neither are her stats. 5’6”, 134 lbs, expected muscle for a student at a combat academy... The expressions she uses don’t help either, as they’re usually very subtle or seemingly devoid of emotion. Her eyes are probably the only things that really stand out about her, as they’re a striking cobalt blue, a decent contrast against her dark skin and pitch black hair. Your eye also might be drawn to the long black claws she has, if not for the fact that those were almost always hidden, retracted.

Her usual attire consists of mainly untucked button-ups and long or oversized shirts combined with leggings or skinny jeans, occasionally a formal blouse or light sweater somewhere in there. Cardigans and drape jackets aren’t a rare sight either. For footwear, she usually wears converse, slip-ons or just simple flats.

Combat outfit: A berry red combat skirt with an above elbow, split-sleeved bodice. This bodice is boat necked with a fit like a loose blouse. Holding it tight and together is something like an underbust corset, but with no shape, simply a thick band around her waist and a portion of her ribs, white with a red ribbon in the middle, tied in a bow at the back. The skirt portion flares from just above the hips and is about tea-length, a bit longer than most combat skirts. For a little protection, this outfit is paired with golden vambraces and greaves, running shoes being her choice footwear. The fabric portions are infused with dust patterns, giving a sparkling effect in those patterns. The inside of the bodice is infused with ice dust, in the style of the Vacuans.
History: First part checks out. "It wouldn't take long for someone to think that maybe the wife of that cougar Faunus was one as well, and after someone had that bright idea, Amber's identity as a wolf FaunusWait, her mom's a wolf faunus but  he's a mix of a bunch of different felines?

"After a while, she was diagnosed with mild developmental dyscalculia" As far as my extensive research *cough cough*google*cough cough* goes, dyscalculia is just inability to perform calculations, not learn. The rest checks out.

Personality:  Checks out

Like most harsh people, she is a different person inside. She’s very insecure and easily envious, as stated in the above paragraph. She’s never had a significant other, but rest assured that she’ll only be mildly obsessive. She’s also somewhat of an introvert with high social need, which means that she much prefers the company of herself but gets lonely very very easily.Kind of an odd mix there. Likes to be alone but is really lonely.
Aura and Semblance: Ah, pseudo time manipulation, always a tricky slope as far as semblances go. So, other than returning her to where she was four minutes ago, does it do anything else? Revert her wounds? Ammo spent or items loss come back into her pockets? Does she appear to be running backwards or does she just *poof* back into where she was in a flash of aura light?

Combat Behavior: Cerise has a very aggressive style of fighting, using strength to power her attacks. However she isn’t a hulking behemoth like some others, so she does retain a good amount of speed. Typical faunus fight style. Makes sense. The rest checks out but I'll need a few more details to flesh this out. How quick are her strikes? Does she do well one on one or better in a team fight? Can she handle multiple opponents?

 To add a little spice to the game, Cerise frequently uses dust in battles, not just for her weapon but in its powdered or crystal form to shake things up. Where does she keep the dust?

Name: None
Primary Form: A glaive, the pole is mapleA wooden weapon? Hmmm not so sure about that but if it's protected by her aura, I suppose it'll work. Just know that if she's not holding it and it gets hit by another weapon, it'll probably break., very subtly collapsible in the way that a telescope is. The blade is shaped like the blade of a falchion, with designs subtly reminiscent of floral imagery.

Secondary Form: Pole collapses into a hilt, transforming the weapon into a falchion.
Dust Functions: The blade can be (and usually is) infused with different types of dust to create different effects and such, through the designs mentioned above. (Note: the blade can only hold one type at a time, so the dust will have to be switched out manually) How does she infuse it with dust? Is there some mechanical part to the weapon that infuses it at a push of a button? Does she manually have to switch out a "cartridge" to change the dust type?
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Re: Cerise Carnelian
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2016, 10:52:18 PM »
A'ight, thanks for taking a look at it.

Species: Really? Damn I thought they were all the same... XD... Yeah, changed.

Theme: ... IT'S NOT A PHASE MOM, THIS IS WHO I AM! Kidding of course.

History: Yeah, as I stated below. She understood it, she got it, but the equations escaped her.

Semblance: Clarified.

Combat Behavior: Clarified. Look in Miscellaneous for the dust thing.

Material-Yeah, thanks for that, am not much of a weapon type of person.
Dust-Manually. I wrote that in parentheses in the Dust Functions part.

Alright, I think I addressed everything. Thanks again for taking a look at it!
Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

Aurora Hesperid(1st year leader of team ATLA)


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Re: Cerise Carnelian
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2016, 12:11:37 AM »
Kindly reply the changes made :3 Copy paste them here. It's pretty hard to notice what changed in a wall of text :O
Zora Akash - The Sunset Scholar - First Year - Team PENDING

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Re: Cerise Carnelian
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2016, 02:02:04 AM »

Cerise's semblance is Return for lack of a better name. It allows her to return to the place she was at a specific amount of time prior to the present. For instance she could use it to evade attacks in a combat scenario by adjusting her semblance to go back a few seconds. The furthest back she could go would probably be about four minutes, which by then she would immediately pass out. At three minutes and over she's very tired, not able to fight, at two and over she's sluggish with a slight headache and at one and over she's a little tired. After using her semblance once, Cerise has to wait a minimum of 7 seconds before using it again, though it should be noted that if she uses it from 7-12 seconds after the previous use, a headache will start to form regardless of how far back she goes. In one day, the sum of the time she goes back can't pass an hour. If she meets that limit, she will be unable to access her semblance any longer. Her semblance doesn't do anything other than returning her to that place, no turning back the clock on wounds or supplies or ammunition, nothing like that. As for effects, basically none. She simple just poofs back there, no smoke or fog.

Cerise has a very aggressive style of fighting, using strength to power her attacks. However she isn’t a hulking behemoth like some others, so she does retain a good amount of speed. Unlike speedsters though, she uses speed hand in hand with strength to try overwhelming her opponent as quickly as possible. Also unlike speedsters, her speed is far from being enough that she could completely rely on it. Cerise’s capable fighting does have a drawback of being tiring, more so than other styles. Though she has trained to increase her endurance over the years, this doesn’t negate the fact that her combat method is quite taxing. Because of her high aura strength Cerise will also be willing to take hits for whoever else she is fighting for if it’s not a solo operation. She’s not going to playing for the long game most of the time anyway. To compliment her semblance, when she gets it to work of course, Cerise moves around a lot in combat just in case she needs to use her semblance to get out of a sticky situation. Not acrobatic, but very mobile. To add a little spice to the game, Cerise frequently uses dust in battles, not just for her weapon but in its powdered or crystal form to shake things up. The number of people she's fighting with generally doesn't affect Cerise too much in combat, though perhaps the more people, the more shielding, and the more she gets tired or her aura gets depleted. As for multiple opponents, it's possible since she could use her semblance to get out of tight spaces every so often, but two is probably the most she could handle.

Those would be all of the changes that would need to be pointed out. Species is easier to see, the 'not grasping equations but able to understand' thing is in the last paragraph of her personality, which was already there before by the way. Weapon thing is in primary form. Dust thing is in Dust Functions, also already there before. Miscellaneous, another thing that already existed, is the last thing on the sheet.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 02:03:39 AM by The Mythic Scribe »
Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

Aurora Hesperid(1st year leader of team ATLA)


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Re: Cerise Carnelian
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2016, 09:22:53 AM »
Well done :D Approved 1/2 ^w^
Zora Akash - The Sunset Scholar - First Year - Team PENDING

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Re: Cerise Carnelian
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2016, 09:27:13 AM »
Thank you!   ;D
Mauve Roux(1st year leader of team ROSE):“Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.”  -Simone Weil

Bianca Li(1st year member of team CBLT):"When you're the victim of the behavior, it's black and white; when you're the perpetrator, there are a million shades of gray." -Laura Schlessinger

Primrose Aster(1st year member of team BTRA):“To weep is to make less the depth of grief.”  -William Shakespeare

Cerise Carnelian(1st year member of team VCVS):"Be as you wish to seem." -Socrates

Lien Li(2nd year member of team MLDC): "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." -Lao Tzu

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Re: Cerise Carnelian
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2016, 09:37:29 PM »
For a brief second, I thought this might be the long lost cousin of my character, Savas Carnelian ;)

Anyways, everything checks out. Very interesting semblance. I have nothing else to say so....

Approved 2 of 2.
First Year Beacon Student: Rackley Winchester - The Hawkeye Sniper currently Teamless

Second Year Beacon Student: Jett Davenport - The Playful Shadow Knight of Team MLDC (Melodic)

Third Year Beacon Student: Suntalia Lyn Ryker - The Voice of Thunder currently Teamless

Fourth Year Beacon Student: Savas Carnelian - The Quiet Berserker Leader of Team SARK (Stark)

Beacon Professor: Oberon Falcov - The Man With A Plan / Team Strategy Teacher of Beacon