Author Topic: How to Discord[Chat Program]  (Read 22852 times)


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How to Discord[Chat Program]
« on: March 02, 2017, 09:26:52 PM »
We use Discord to hang out with each other and coordinate things such as discussing character profiles, planning stories, threads, and the like. Join us at RWBYFanon Discord! If you don't know what Discord is, it is a popular and new chat program that combines functionality and styles of Skype, Teamspeak, IRC, and others.

If you used our IRC channel in the past, note that it is still up, but most things will be taking place in Discord, and some things may require the use of it.

Connect to Discord

This assumes you have never used Discord ever before. If you have, you should be able to handle this because it's very easy.
  • Go here.
  • Type in your username. Your username should be recognizable or the same as your forum username. You can change it later if needed.
  • Click the big blue Continue button.
  • Go through the setup guide, or skip it if you believe in yourself.

You will begin in the #info channel. This will give you a few basic things to get started, including how to gain access to chat(It's easy). You may need to scroll up.
Kirkka Scarlet - Beacon Academy Groundskeeper - Dust and SCF Expert - SCF Tuner
Alban Inverno - Headmaster of Beacon Academy
Kaali Charen - First Year at Beacon Academy
Mia Brightspear & Waffle - Beacon Dust Shop Owner, Huntress, Bear Owner, Dust Expert. Also Waffle is a bear.
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Color/Format Scheme: "Talking." Thinking. Doing.