Rufus was smashed across the face by a mace - he doesn't try to resist the force, knowing it'd only make things worse. The buy was flung quite a ways back, but wasn't off his feet just yet. Despite his best efforts, he wasn't sure if he could win anymore - Jima's weapon was still about as effective as before, while he was left with just his fists. He couldn't use his semblance any more - he'd likely pass out from overexerting himself if he tried. But this wouldn't be his first loss, far from it. But if he were to lose, he'd do it on his own terms - just like he always had.
Rather than go for another charge immediately, Rufus cracks his neck, approaching the girl slowly. His stance is still as tense as before, however - striking first clearly didn't work out, but if she attacks him... He could do something.