Author Topic: Third Year 1v1 bracket- Round 1: Rufus Chocla vs. Jima Purpora  (Read 12953 times)


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Re: Third Year 1v1 bracket- Round 1: Rufus Chocla vs. Jima Purpora
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2018, 01:54:24 AM »
Whiff. Good start on the whole 'pure brawn thing'. Plus, there appeared to have been one factor Rufus had forgotten to take into account - her weapon was also a fucking mace. Freezing it probably made it heavier, if anything, which Rufus soon got to experience as it slammed into him, sending him into the dirt.

He was not down for the count, though. The boy didn't rise right away, instead bringing his leg around to sweep Jima's - hopefully he could bring her down as well. Either way he proceeded to roll back, hoping to jump her with another set of punches if she did fall.

(Leg swipe: 5%)

Aura: 31%
Razzmatazz Gele - 2nd Year warrior of happiness of Team ____. "Oh, I also like ____! Let's be friends!"

Janna Tarmac - 1st Year tank lady of Team DGTL. "Our job is to protect the innocent, and that's what I do."

Reginald Royale - 1st year snotty brat of team RBLS. "I'm telling father about this!"

Rufus Chocla - 2nd year freestyle rapper of team APRC. "Rap comes from the Soul, don't mess with the Flow, if you can't take no more, don't wait for Encore!"

Anza Burgundy - 1st Year archer of team CRSA. "War eagle, feller!"

Silica Methiviola - Assistant to the Royale Family/Reginald. "Suck my metaphorical dick, nerd."

Coconut Cream - 1st Year pervert of team CASA. "B-before we fight could you just like... nyah once for me?"

Tiber Rostrum - 1st year Bea(k)on student. "*Unintelligible, birdlike gibberish*"

My good ole AMA


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Re: Third Year 1v1 bracket- Round 1: Rufus Chocla vs. Jima Purpora
« Reply #31 on: October 19, 2018, 07:35:33 PM »
Rufus’ attempt to sweep her legs out from underneath her fail as Jima hops back, before using the distance to lunge right back in - attempting to slam Rufus back against the ground with one hand, while raising her mace to bring it back down across his face with the other. No playing around, no fancy maneuvers - just a straight lunge to smash the faunus across the face.

Jima’s Combat Stats:
Aura: 36%

Attack Log:
Heavy Two-Handed Downswing (5%)
Goliath: still frozen shut
Prism Skylark - Beacon First Year, Winged Sharpshooter and Leader of Team CASA (Casanova) #ffffff

Chantou Rou - Beacon First Year, Insect-Eyed Rebel of Team LGGR (Lager) #ff82a4

Albrecht Clodwal - Beacon First Year, White Knight Nice-Guy of Team CNRS (Cinerous) #00a4a4

Azre and Erza Sundown- Shade First Years, Fallen Stars of Team RASB (Raspberry) #fe2d00, #feab00

Jima Purpora - Beacon Third Year, Grimm-Obsessed Scholar of Team PLSM (Plasma) #6e3aa8


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Re: Third Year 1v1 bracket- Round 1: Rufus Chocla vs. Jima Purpora
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2018, 08:14:52 AM »

Rufus was smashed across the face by a mace - he doesn't try to resist the force, knowing it'd only make things worse. The buy was flung quite a ways back, but wasn't off his feet just yet. Despite his best efforts, he wasn't sure if he could win anymore - Jima's weapon was still about as effective as before, while he was left with just his fists. He couldn't use his semblance any more - he'd likely pass out from overexerting himself if he tried. But this wouldn't be his first loss, far from it. But if he were to lose, he'd do it on his own terms - just like he always had.

Rather than go for another charge immediately, Rufus cracks his neck, approaching the girl slowly. His stance is still as tense as before, however - striking first clearly didn't work out, but if she attacks him... He could do something.

Razzmatazz Gele - 2nd Year warrior of happiness of Team ____. "Oh, I also like ____! Let's be friends!"

Janna Tarmac - 1st Year tank lady of Team DGTL. "Our job is to protect the innocent, and that's what I do."

Reginald Royale - 1st year snotty brat of team RBLS. "I'm telling father about this!"

Rufus Chocla - 2nd year freestyle rapper of team APRC. "Rap comes from the Soul, don't mess with the Flow, if you can't take no more, don't wait for Encore!"

Anza Burgundy - 1st Year archer of team CRSA. "War eagle, feller!"

Silica Methiviola - Assistant to the Royale Family/Reginald. "Suck my metaphorical dick, nerd."

Coconut Cream - 1st Year pervert of team CASA. "B-before we fight could you just like... nyah once for me?"

Tiber Rostrum - 1st year Bea(k)on student. "*Unintelligible, birdlike gibberish*"

My good ole AMA


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Re: Third Year 1v1 bracket- Round 1: Rufus Chocla vs. Jima Purpora
« Reply #33 on: December 27, 2018, 01:58:20 PM »
Jima’s smile isn’t back yet. The expression on her face is tense, concentrated, and- for some reason, she’s fighting with her eyes closed?

That doesn’t seem to stop her relentless assault though. She’s trying to step into Rufus’ personal space as soon as he rolls back, unwilling to let her opponent get away. The mace comes back into play hard and fast with a quick combination of swings, favoring the speed over anymore heavier blows - at this point in the match, it’s all about who puts out more damage the fastest.

Attack Log:
One-handed Swings (3% x 3, as many as you choose land)

Jima’s Combat Stats:
Aura: 36%
Goliath: Frozen Shut
Prism Skylark - Beacon First Year, Winged Sharpshooter and Leader of Team CASA (Casanova) #ffffff

Chantou Rou - Beacon First Year, Insect-Eyed Rebel of Team LGGR (Lager) #ff82a4

Albrecht Clodwal - Beacon First Year, White Knight Nice-Guy of Team CNRS (Cinerous) #00a4a4

Azre and Erza Sundown- Shade First Years, Fallen Stars of Team RASB (Raspberry) #fe2d00, #feab00

Jima Purpora - Beacon Third Year, Grimm-Obsessed Scholar of Team PLSM (Plasma) #6e3aa8


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Re: Third Year 1v1 bracket- Round 1: Rufus Chocla vs. Jima Purpora
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2019, 08:08:04 AM »
'Here it comes!' Rufus would have time to think before Jima's barrage of attacks came his way. He noticed her eyes being closed, but didn't assume that meant she would miss or not spot his own movements - she wasn't a rookie by any means. As such, he could only power through and hope for the best.

Rufus returned her charge, managing to side-step the first swing but taking the brunt of the second. Before the third could land - though it did - he threw a punch aimed at her gut. He was hoping to knock the air out of her and give himself some window of opportunity -  opportunity to do enough damage to put them back on even ground.

(Gut punch: 5%, hoping to stun)

Aura: 20%
Razzmatazz Gele - 2nd Year warrior of happiness of Team ____. "Oh, I also like ____! Let's be friends!"

Janna Tarmac - 1st Year tank lady of Team DGTL. "Our job is to protect the innocent, and that's what I do."

Reginald Royale - 1st year snotty brat of team RBLS. "I'm telling father about this!"

Rufus Chocla - 2nd year freestyle rapper of team APRC. "Rap comes from the Soul, don't mess with the Flow, if you can't take no more, don't wait for Encore!"

Anza Burgundy - 1st Year archer of team CRSA. "War eagle, feller!"

Silica Methiviola - Assistant to the Royale Family/Reginald. "Suck my metaphorical dick, nerd."

Coconut Cream - 1st Year pervert of team CASA. "B-before we fight could you just like... nyah once for me?"

Tiber Rostrum - 1st year Bea(k)on student. "*Unintelligible, birdlike gibberish*"

My good ole AMA