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Messages - arcus_gray

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Beacon Academy / Re: [Open] Breakfast At Bacon
« on: February 19, 2019, 04:45:19 AM »
As the two students conversed in the sparring area a 3rd walked up near them. A blonde haired german shephard faunas wearing a jacket and a coat with his arms wrapped around himself, evidently not taking the cold weather well.

Everywhere Else / Re: Movie Night [Closed]
« on: January 29, 2019, 09:57:02 AM »
At that moment the footage of a competitor being shot was playing on the scroll, the sound of Ergia's gunfire coming out quietly from the scroll, briefly after which a small commotion begun when a boy behind them drew his weapons in response.
That boy had long black hair that covered one of his deep purple eyes. he was wearing a black coat with a red fur lining to help deal with the cold, on his shoulder was a cracked white fang mask.
 The wolf ears atop his head had heard one of the many sounds that had been haunting his nightmares for the past year and his twin blades had come flying from the holders at his hips into his hands.
He was snarling and frantically searching for the source of the sound.

The Vale Region / Re: At the mountains Summit
« on: January 25, 2019, 08:42:35 AM »
Revya opted to deal with walking Ladybug through the cave and suffer in silence towards the back of the group. He would follow their lead.

The Vale Region / Re: Hunt across the Savannah
« on: January 25, 2019, 08:41:29 AM »
Cerulean listened in on the plan presented. "Sounds good to me. I'll deal with the stragglers. I fight better solo anyway."
As the battle started Cerulean put Takif together in it's halberd form and climbed out the side of the vehicle one hand gripping Takif and the other gripping the car with his feet braced against the door.
"Forget about me for now and focus on yourself." Cerulean responded to the question about effective range. He did however put the reach of his semblance to use, an aura clone of Cerulean would appear before any Grimm that seemed to be getting too close to the vehicle and with a quick thrust of Takif would be dealt with before the clone would dissappear to reform before another foe seconds later.

As the vehicle got close to the emerging survivors Cerulean turned to Saffron. "Huntsmen who were passing through? I'm sure I'll figure something out."
With that Cerulean kicked off the vehicle and rolled in the sand, popping to his feet he made to dash towards the survivors ready to help with any Grimm still in their vicinity.

The Vale Region / Re: Hunt across the Savannah
« on: January 16, 2019, 01:06:10 AM »
"Yeah. that'll fucking happen." Cerulean muttered under his breath with a smile at the comment about calling for backup before casually pocketing his scroll.
"Names Cerulean Steel." he responded to the comment from their driver. Under the asumption the scouting effort had been done and relayed he would relay his plan.
"shouldn't that be obvious? we go and help them. we're huntsmen aren't we? Also if we're lucky they could be locals and we can earn some trust."

The Vale Region / Re: At the mountains Summit
« on: January 07, 2019, 01:49:06 AM »
Revya listened to the briefing quietly and gave a chuckle at the response from Toast. He had put Ladybug in the bullhead and once the doors opened to let the group out Revya was already on the bike with helmet on.
The instant the doors opened Revya gunned it and flew from the bullhead hitting the ground and skidding slightly spraying rocks around. after landing Revya dismounted and walked the bike towards the cave.
"Glad I brought ladybug, I think her headlights will come in handy." With that comment Revya turned on Ladybug's headlights to try and illuminate the cave in a more reliable manner.

The Vale Region / Re: Hunt across the Savannah
« on: January 07, 2019, 01:39:06 AM »
The cloaked huntsman had spent the majority of the trip in complete silence, potentially asleep. He only seemed to stir once information started coming in on his scroll.
"So in short, try to disarm any hostiles and don't let anyone know why we're here?"

Plot Zone / Re: Lets put together some threads.
« on: December 30, 2018, 09:17:50 AM »
Reckon I'll shoot a few characters this way since I think most threads I'm in have slowed down or died off. Might be a good chance to use my adult characters.

Plot Zone / Re: Who would be interested in a Beacon thread?
« on: November 30, 2018, 10:48:31 PM »
Personally I think we need more social threads. I’d be up for it.

AMA Section / Re: AMA for everyone: What goals do you have for a backstory?
« on: November 25, 2018, 11:14:24 PM »
It depends on the character. For Cerulean I wanted the most standard backstory ever after Rust was so edgey. But for the most part I have a personality in mind and then think up a backstory that would cause a person to behave that way.
Using Rust as an example again I knew I wanted an unapologetically violent character to act as a villain for others so I gave him a backstory in which he used extreme violence as a way to be left alone.

That said for a lot of characters I come up with a weapon first, which due to weapons being an extension of the user I ask myself "What kind of person would use this weapon?" and then I come up with a backstory that would lead someone to behave in that manner.

Then there is Gray, who is just my negative traits from when I was younger amplified.

While Razzy had been recovering from the attack, so had Revya. He saw the boy running at him and quickly moved to counter using his arms to press himself off the but of his scythe and move away, using the scythe as a shield while it remained stuck in the ground.
A quick trigger-pull solved that issue and Revya swung the scythe in a wide circle around him.

Revya Battle Data

Aura level:54%

Wide swing: 10%

Now facing his opponent Sandy saw a wide swing of a big sword coming easily and leaped into the air leaping over the sword and twisting in mid-air as he did so, pulling another bomb out as he did so using the momentum from his twist to fling the bomb almost point blank into Setsuna's face.

Sandy Battle Data

Aura level: 75%

point blank dust bomb:8% (will take splash damage if the bomb connects)

Plot Zone / Re: Caravan Blues
« on: November 19, 2018, 02:18:13 AM »
If you go Leona I may as well use Gray. Let's see how he gets his ass kicked this time.

Plot Zone / Re: Caravan Blues
« on: November 19, 2018, 12:23:17 AM »
Depending on the crew this could be a really fun thread. Especially if a pre established team goes. I’m interested.

A dull thump rang out somewhere within the dorm building further away from the Lager dorm than it should reasonably be as a frustrated Gray pounded his fist against a wall.
"Dammit, where the hell it it?"
Gray knew his navigation skills sat somewhere between crap and non-existent and had begun his path to find his dorm early to compensate.
It wasn't serving him well though as he had spent the past hour in the wrong building and had experienced an awkward encounter of walking into another teams room whom it
seemed were having issues getting along. Hope I get along better with my teammates then they did. Those guys looked about ready to kill each other."
Now in. hopefully the right building Gray once again began the search for his dorm.

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