Seeing as the fox had accepted her and wasn't panicking or even fidgeting at all, Helena used her right hand to gently scratch its neck, hoping the petting would help it relax a bit more. Having conluded her probing, she analyzed what she'd felt once again, just to be sure. Something had seemed a bit off. It was generalized, too, a sort of barely-perceptible bounciness against her semblance. Actually, it reminded her a bit of -
Oh. Oh, wow. Well she knew what she'd be doing once her patient had been healed.
Speaking of healing, while still petting the fox, she brought her left hand right besides the damaged ribs, being careful to not touch the body. She then activated her semblance at full power and a bright light filled with warmth, akin to the Sun's, shone forth from her palm. In under thirty seconds, the ribs had moved back into the correct positions and healed entirely. The drain on Helena was rather significant, as she expected when healing bones, but far from what it would've been had she been treating a human. As it were, she would have enough juice to heal the fox completely and have some to spare. She briefly made a detour by the fox's head, healing the damage in a couple seconds, before moving to the much larger enterprise that was the hind leg.
First, everything went back to its rightful place. Then the skin was mended, right down to the follicles; hair would grow back normally. Then came the blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, bones and finally, muscles. When Helena finished, the leg was pretty much as good as new, except for a few hairless spots. While happy to see her work, she felt incredibly drained after such an expenditure of energy. Fighting back the urge to doze off with some ease, she 'finished' her treatment by infusing the animal's body with her own Aura, parting ways with some of it in the process, until a glow signaled a successful awakening. Despite feeling more tired now, she says "There you go, buddy. All patched up, and then some" in a decidedly cheerful tone before petting the fox with both hands.