Author Topic: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)  (Read 6430 times)


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Re: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2018, 09:44:37 AM »
Seeing as the fox had accepted her and wasn't panicking or even fidgeting at all, Helena used her right hand to gently scratch its neck, hoping the petting would help it relax a bit more. Having conluded her probing, she analyzed what she'd felt once again, just to be sure. Something had seemed a bit off. It was generalized, too, a sort of barely-perceptible bounciness against her semblance. Actually, it reminded her a bit of -

Oh. Oh, wow. Well she knew what she'd be doing once her patient had been healed.

Speaking of healing, while still petting the fox, she brought her left hand right besides the damaged ribs, being careful to not touch the body. She then activated her semblance at full power and a bright light filled with warmth, akin to the Sun's, shone forth from her palm. In under thirty seconds, the ribs had moved back into the correct positions and healed entirely. The drain on Helena was rather significant, as she expected when healing bones, but far from what it would've been had she been treating a human. As it were, she would have enough juice to heal the fox completely and have some to spare. She briefly made a detour by the fox's head, healing the damage in a couple seconds, before moving to the much larger enterprise that was the hind leg.

First, everything went back to its rightful place. Then the skin was mended, right down to the follicles; hair would grow back normally. Then came the blood vessels, nerves, ligaments, bones and finally, muscles. When Helena finished, the leg was pretty much as good as new, except for a few hairless spots. While happy to see her work, she felt incredibly drained after such an expenditure of energy. Fighting back the urge to doze off with some ease, she 'finished' her treatment by infusing the animal's body with her own Aura, parting ways with some of it in the process, until a glow signaled a successful awakening. Despite feeling more tired now, she says "There you go, buddy. All patched up, and then some" in a decidedly cheerful tone before petting the fox with both hands.
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Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
Max (mp)
Chloe (mp)
Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
Hannah Glass
Mark Cassini
Carlson Ferram
"Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
"The Ferryman"
"I swear it's not my fault"
"s m o l"
"Alastair Reynolds"
"Living Weapon"
Cole McWrath
AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)


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Re: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2018, 04:19:58 PM »
The fox squirmed only slightly under Helena's healing touch, particularly at the start when its ribs were shifting, but as the process moved along the furry creature seemed to settle in fully, offering its complete trust. The light of restoration flowed through its body, followed by the gentle invisible current of Helena's own Aura. When it was all done, a moment of weary silence descended. Warily at first, the vulpine stirred. It tested its breathing with a deep intake, letting out a low but decidedly at-ease squeak as it exhaled. Then it flexed its back leg -- slowly at first, as though expecting pain, but with less and less reserve until the movement transitioned into a full-body stretch. Like a puppy its tail began to zip back and forth happily, and almost before Helena knew what was happening her rescue was clambering up to lick her face with nearly overwhelming affection.

It was right about then that Helena's Scroll chimed -- the signal was weak, no doubt due to the cave, but there was just enough of a connection for her to see it was Budonoki calling.
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Beacon Student: Rory Vogel, "The Scarlet Shield" ~ 1st Year, Team VCVS

Shade Student: Sean Acacia, "Grenadier" ~ 1st Year


Beacon Teacher / Experimental Botanist: Dr. Budonoki Sophos, Medical & Wilderness Specialist

Baker / Retired Huntsman: Alec Chadwick, owner of 'Fabled Goods' bakery

Pirate / Freelancer: Captain Cordell of the Red Corsair ~ Available For Hire!

Mercenary / Infiltrator: Micah Sere AKA "Prowler" ~ Danger, Avoid If Possible

Mercenary / Infiltrator: Maria Sanguine AKA "Bloody Mary" ~ Underworld operative, "The Lady of a Thousand Faces"


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Re: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)
« Reply #17 on: May 10, 2018, 07:23:09 AM »
When the fox started acting like a joyful puppy, Helena laughed out loud and kept petting it. Aah, she was glad. It'd been worth getting so tired over. The little guy was safe and apparently not too traumatized, Grimm had been dealt with with minimal damages and Helena got to pet (and get petted by) a fox. Truly, a great day.

A soft chime brought her attention to her scroll. Keeping up the petting with one hand, she picked it up with the other. Doctor Sophos was calling, huh? She accepted the call and brought the phone to her ear, having fun with the orange fluff on her lap all the while. "Hello - ahaha! - Doctor Sophos! What can I do for you?"
Characters: ShowHide
Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
Max (mp)
Chloe (mp)
Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
Hannah Glass
Mark Cassini
Carlson Ferram
"Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
"The Ferryman"
"I swear it's not my fault"
"s m o l"
"Alastair Reynolds"
"Living Weapon"
Cole McWrath
AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)


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Re: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2018, 05:25:28 PM »
"Ah, miss Chlophyll! Glad I was able to get in touch. I just got an alert from the monitoring team -- Grimm movement has been spotted in your area, a Boarbatusk and a small number of fledgling Nevermores," There was concern in the surgeon's voice, the reason for which was fully explained by his next words. "And a full-grown one, descending from a clifftop roost near the forest and moving fast. I'm on my way to you now. Be sure to-"

The professor was cut off as an thundering avian shriek echoed through the forest; it was distant still, but perhaps not for long. "Gods... Helena! Get somewhere safe if you can, and if not keep moving and make yourself a difficult target. The Nevermore sounds enraged, so don't fight it unless you have to!"

The fox, after hearing the creature's cry, had gone completely alert and defensive, looking up to Helena with clear concern as its ears twitched nervously.

(OOC: Sorry about the delay -- I'll try to get this wrapped up with a big finish for you.)
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Beacon Student: Rory Vogel, "The Scarlet Shield" ~ 1st Year, Team VCVS

Shade Student: Sean Acacia, "Grenadier" ~ 1st Year


Beacon Teacher / Experimental Botanist: Dr. Budonoki Sophos, Medical & Wilderness Specialist

Baker / Retired Huntsman: Alec Chadwick, owner of 'Fabled Goods' bakery

Pirate / Freelancer: Captain Cordell of the Red Corsair ~ Available For Hire!

Mercenary / Infiltrator: Micah Sere AKA "Prowler" ~ Danger, Avoid If Possible

Mercenary / Infiltrator: Maria Sanguine AKA "Bloody Mary" ~ Underworld operative, "The Lady of a Thousand Faces"


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Re: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2018, 08:47:43 PM »
Helena's smile dropped at about the same time as the fox stopped licking her. "Roger, Doctor. I'm heading towards our initial rendezvous point." She then looked at her newfound friend and asked "Think you can lead me to where I came from? Under the densest tree cover you can find."
Characters: ShowHide
Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
Max (mp)
Chloe (mp)
Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
Hannah Glass
Mark Cassini
Carlson Ferram
"Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
"The Ferryman"
"I swear it's not my fault"
"s m o l"
"Alastair Reynolds"
"Living Weapon"
Cole McWrath
AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)


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Re: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)
« Reply #20 on: June 27, 2018, 05:16:08 AM »
  M U S I C ~ S H I F T 
by Ross Bugden

The fox yipped eagerly, its earlier nervousness abated somewhat by the opportunity to help its rescuer. It ran over to the mouth of the small cavern, looked back Helena's way with a beckoning yip, and then bounded off through the forest leading the way for her.

The forest became a blur of crimson and brown as they ran, sticking under the densest canopies they could find along the way. The fox, just minutes before weary and wounded, now seemed nearly inexhaustible -- likely the result of its newly-awakened Aura at work. In the background, steadily rising in nearness and ferocity, were the periodic cries of a full-scale Nevermore that was out for blood. A few minutes after Helena and the fox had fled the site of the Grimm ambush there was a sound of distant trees snapping like toothpicks... then an avian cry of fury. The Nevermore had found whatever remained of the fledglings of its flock. An intense gust rippled through the forest as the monstrous bird shot skyward with all its strength, determined to find and kill, find and kill, find and kill...
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Beacon Student: Rory Vogel, "The Scarlet Shield" ~ 1st Year, Team VCVS

Shade Student: Sean Acacia, "Grenadier" ~ 1st Year


Beacon Teacher / Experimental Botanist: Dr. Budonoki Sophos, Medical & Wilderness Specialist

Baker / Retired Huntsman: Alec Chadwick, owner of 'Fabled Goods' bakery

Pirate / Freelancer: Captain Cordell of the Red Corsair ~ Available For Hire!

Mercenary / Infiltrator: Micah Sere AKA "Prowler" ~ Danger, Avoid If Possible

Mercenary / Infiltrator: Maria Sanguine AKA "Bloody Mary" ~ Underworld operative, "The Lady of a Thousand Faces"


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Re: Within Nature ~ Training [Nathan] (CLOSED)
« Reply #21 on: June 27, 2018, 11:13:04 AM »
As the fox seemingly replied in the affirmative, Helena ran around collecting her arrows before running right after her companion, which had just darted off underneath the canopy.

As the race lengthened, her mind became more and more blank. Soon, there was only the crisp details of the orange fur in front of her, surrounded by an indistinct blur of vivid red, dark brown and the occasional patch of grey. The sounds of entire trees snapping like twigs reached her hears from faraway, soon accompanied by the bellowing cries of a Nevermore, but neither was heard.
Characters: ShowHide
Nathan Eau, De Facto Jetpack Guy and Leader of Team INKK
Camelia Sol, Miss Magnetic Personality and Leader of Team CAST
Anna Fall, Insightful Visionary of Team ASTC
Brock Greenwood, Human Titan of Team DGTL
Helena Chlophyll, Ray of Sunshine of Team CHES
Scarlett/Corinth,Korynn,etc. Briggart/Topaz (In the works)
Max (mp)
Chloe (mp)
Maena Nadir, Coherent Beam of Team SSMR
Europa/Encela(dus)/Io/Callisto/Calypso (In the works)
Hannah Glass
Mark Cassini
Carlson Ferram
"Some goddamn bullshit, Invictus Omega"
"The Ferryman"
"I swear it's not my fault"
"s m o l"
"Alastair Reynolds"
"Living Weapon"
Cole McWrath
AAAA (a.k.a. AMAA)